Sunday, February 20, 2011

Affirmations: What are they and how to use them?

What is affirmations?
Affirmations are short statements. They help to learn to think positively and to adjust itself on success. We consider as success love, money, health, personal qualities and another.
Why use affirmations?
As a rule, many people have a negative spirit. They program themselves on failure. When anything bad happens in their life, they speak "o, devil!" and other bad words also draw a negative in the life. Subconsciously they wish to be ready to bad. Affirmations works with subconsciousness and correct us in depth.
How to use affirmations?
Mechanical repetition of affirmations - simply a time waste. It is necessary to cause positive feelings and experiences, instead of the negative. It is necessary to feel ease, delight and happiness when you repeat these affirmations. If inside you feel any barrier, all will be useless. It is necessary to dare to accept a new spirit in your life!
The best affirmations for augmentation of money in life:
1. I choose such thoughts which make me happy and conduct to abundance!
2. I give and I receive money with pleasure and gratitude!
3. I draw to myself money, as a magnet!
4. I choose happy life with money!
5. My proof is boundless, as the Universe!
6. I receive the blessings from everywhere and from all!
7. The Universe knows that it is necessary for me and satisfies all my requirements!
8. I express admiration of abundance of life and I express gratitude for everything that I have!
9. Everything what I need, I always receive! Now I able to earn good money.

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